3D · June 29, 2016 11

3D – Maya’s Secret

Maya has a secret that is not so secret anymore. Meet Maya’s bff, Anthony Nunes.

06-12-16_1_00_52 AM

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

Yeah. She looks at him that way a lot. That’s the secret, but she didn’t want it to be a secret anymore. Oh, yes… I know you think that Juliana is her best friend, and you’re right. She is her best friend, but Anthony is her bff. Don’t ask. Anyway, like most teenage girls, she didn’t want to come out and tell him how she felt straight up. She wanted him to like her back and be the first to express how he felt, so she dropped lots of hints…all the time. Poor boy.

“My parents will be working this weekend. You should come over.”

“My parents will be working this weekend. You should come over.”

However, Anthony was not dumb. He knew what she was getting at. He always knew. Don’t get him wrong. He liked her too. They were childhood friends, thick as thieves. When their birthdays came around, he knew they would always be friends, but he always imagined she would spend less time with him and more time with some tall, beefy, pretty boy with perfect hair. As beautiful as she was, he never thought she would go for someone skinny and geeky with no hair like him…but she did! It was exciting that she liked him, but he thought it was happening way too fast and he didn’t know how to tell her. So, most of the time he tried to avoid eye contact—which she did not appreciate—or change the subject.

Hmph! He thinks he can avoid me all afternoon? I’ll show him I won’t be ignored…

Hmph! He thinks he can avoid me all afternoon? I’ll show him! I won’t be ignored…

06-12-16_1_03_26 AM

Why did she get quiet?

Why did she get quiet?

06-12-16_1_03_50 AM

What the…

Ignore THAT buster.

Ignore THAT buster.

Heh, score!

Heh, score!

“What are you guys doing up here?”

“What are you guys doing up here?”

Oh, yeah…heh, Juliana doesn’t know about these two yet. Whoops!

3D - Birthday Party
3D - This Is Better