Generation 7 · January 3, 2015 30

7.14 Welcome to the World

01-03-15_3-19 PM

Cadence was well into her third trimester when she finally had a chance to get into some gardening. She had been trying to unpack and get the house like they wanted it the previous two days. Well, actually, she didn’t have to do much unpacking seeing as how they didn’t take much with them. She was enjoying spending her parents money making the house more like her own. She had barely planted a full pack of seeds when her labor pains began, so she got up and went inside to find Cameron. He was in the spare room chatting with Brianna. She quietly walked in and sat next to him. She didn’t want to interrupt their conversation, but she was so miserable she couldn’t hide the pain that was written all over her face.

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“…and then I was flying! I was WAY high in the air, daddy,” Brianna said.

“Wow, Bri! That was some dream. Oh, hi honey. Brianna was just…you have that look on your face. Are you in labor now?”


He was acting like an old pro and wasn’t even alarmed at this news.

“Why do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Suffer in silence.”

“I didn’t want to interrupt!”

“I don’t know whether to think you’re really that sweet, or you’re just a glutton for punishment. Ok. I have to be at work in less than two hours, so let’s go now. I’ll call your sister to come by and watch Bri.”

“Thank you.”

“Hi Melody, it’s Cameron….Yeah, it’s that time…I have to be at work soon, so we’re going now….Ok, that’s fine…thanks a lot. Bye bye. She’s still at work, so she’s gonna call Mia and have her come.”


“Mommy? Are you ok?”

“Yes, honey. Mommy is fine.”

“But you don’t look fine.”

“I’m going to have the baby soon, so I’m not very comfortable.”


“Because the baby wants to come out.”


“Ummm…I’ll tell you when you’re older, ok?”

01-03-15_3-27 PM

“Hey guys,” Mia said. “Can I do anything for you, Aunt Cadence?”

“Oh, thank heavens,” she said under her breath. “No, sweet pea. We’re gonna go right now. Is Marli here?”

“Yeah. She’s outside taking selfies. She thinks she’s soooo cute.”

Is this the TS4 version of duck lips??

Is this the TS4 version of duck lips??

“Ok. We’ll be back soon.”

“Mommy, I want to go with yoooou,” Brianna whined.

“Brianna, please stop,” Cameron intervened. “You have to stay here with Mia. Are you going to be good?”

“Yes,” she pouted.

“Ok. We really need to go now, but when we get back you can talk to mommy and the baby as much as you want, ok?”


Finally, they got out of the house.

“You were great back there,” Cadence said.

“Was it too much? I hope I wasn’t too harsh.”

They made it to the hospital, and within 30 minutes they were back home. If Brianna would have had a full on tantrum, the babies would have been born at home. Yes…babies!

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Welcome to the world, Kacey Bianca Clemons and Carla Giselle Clemons! Cameron spent a few minutes with his new daughter before he had to head to work.

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“I’ll be back as soon as I can, ok,” he said as he walked out the door.

“I’ll be fine. I’m perfect,” she beamed.

Cadence spent a little more time with her babies before she went to finish the garden. Just to be sure her oldest child was ok, she had to make good on Cameron’s promise.

“Brianna,” she yelled.

“Yes, Mommy?”

“Come meet your sisters!”


She raced through the house and found them all in the living room.

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“Hi baby. I’m Brianna, and I am your big sister! That means you have to do what I say.”

“Brianna…,” Cadence said in that tone. (you know the one!)

01-03-15_3-45 PM

“Whatever you do,” Brianna whispered, “never say mommy’s nose looks like it has bird poop on it when she wears her swimsuit.”

7.13 Alone at Last
Story Time with Myra