Generation 7 · February 5, 2015 13

7.40 Only Time Will Tell

“Don’t let it whoop you, Pops,” Marli teased River as he was upgrading the microwave.

“Hardy har har. Maybe I’ll whoop you instead,” he said pretending to be insulted.

Melody was in another place. She was so thankful to still be alive and enjoy her family for a few more days. Mia and Marli soon joined her in that place. All they could do was look at her. She hadn’t told them what she did, but they knew–and they were grateful.

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Per Marli and River’s conversation, the visitors did come. Two in particular:  Lee Taylor, the romantic, active genius, and Robert Munoz. They both initially came to visit her, but after a while, Robert began drifting toward Mia. Maybe it was because of her childish trait, but she had yet to display any interest in love and relationships, but still, she found that she enjoyed the attention she received from Robert. After a few visits, she found that she even had a little crush on him.

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So, as time went on, both girls found themselves in blossoming relationships. Things were still going slow and steady, but everyone’s intentions were well known. Could there be a wedding or a baby in Melody’s new lifetime? That is yet to be seen, but don’t hold your breath. She is already back at the halfway point between life and death, and the girls are taking their sweet time–as they should. She’s not going to push them. She’s just glad that they both have someone in their lives to lean on when she and River are both gone.

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Generation 8

7.39 Unexpected Encounters