Jones · March 21, 2017 16

Joneses – 11.1 More Pancakes, Please

“TWINS?? You’re having twins?! GOOD HEAVENS!”

“Twin girls,” she said flatly.

“GOOD HEAVENS!! Oh, Eliza! Poor Bob.” She laughed. “Wow! You’ll have a house full of girls, and I have a house full of boys and one princess. How funny! So, how do you feel?” Asia was beaming and couldn’t be happier for the Pancakes family.

“How do you think I feel? Getting pregnant was not in the plan at all. Having twins was definitely not in the cards! I feel like my world is spiraling out of control.”

“Aren’t you a teensy bit excited?”

“Not at the moment. I still have time to wrap my mind around it.”

“Hi, Miss Asia,” Breanne said as she appeared in the kitchen. “Did my mom tell you the terrible news?”

“Breanne,” Asia yelled. “It’s not terrible! It’s amazing news! You should be excited! Both of you!”

“Well, I’m not,” Breanne shouted. “I wish we could send them back. They’re ruining everything! The only nice part is they get their own rooms. I made sure of that,” she said with pride. “With any luck, maybe some bad people will come and take them away.”

“BREANNE,” Asia yelled. “What a horrible thing to say! You don’t mean that!”

In the back of her mind, she hoped she wouldn’t have to deal with the teenage girl attitudes and insolence with Kouri. She loved all of her boys deeply, but her daughter was the one she always wanted. She hoped she stayed sweet and wonderful forever. However, out of four children, at least one of them is bound to go crazy. It’s just a matter of which one.



“It’s ok, Asia,” Eliza said. “We all are trying to get adjusted. Just give us some time.”

“Miss Asia? Did you have little sisters?”

“I had a little brother.”

“Did you like him?”

“Of course! He was annoying at times, but I couldn’t live without him.” Asia took a moment to really look at her and see if she could figure out what her real problem was. “Breanne, if what you’re really afraid of is losing your parents’ love and attention, don’t be! They love you SO much! Cute little screaming babies won’t change that. They’ll probably need you a lot more.”

“Puh! I’m not gonna help with those monsters!”

Asia shrugged and turned back to Eliza. “I tried to get you a live-in babysitter. Looks like you and Bob are on your own.”

Eliza chuckled. “Don’t worry about us. I’m sure we will get it all figured out one way or another.” She glanced at her daughter.

“”Don’t look at me. I have a future to prepare for.”

Asia got the complete wrong impression. “Oooooh! Future you say? Looks like somebody’s got a boooyfriiiiiiend,” she sang.

Eliza looked like a deer in headlights. “B-b-boyfriend??”

Joneses - 10.7 What Did We Do?
Joneses - 11.2 Hot Mess