Jones · December 7, 2016 9

Joneses – 8.13 Celebrate

After Mary’s confrontation with the rude stranger, she went home. The confidence she had that morning, the good mood she was in, it all faded away; she was upset. She wanted to crawl under the covers and cry, but she lacked the time. Phoenix would be home soon, and later that night, she had already agreed to meet Asia and some friends in Windenburg to celebrate her first day of work. She couldn’t let her down, not after everything she had done for her. In typical Mary Jones fashion, she choked back her emotions, put on a smile, and put on a good show for everyone. After dinner, she and Phoenix walked to the Pruett’s house. Jared and Kolby were on babysitting duty. Now that the twins were older, although there were more kids to watch, babysitting had gotten easier. Kaiden and Phoenix got along well enough, but they didn’t like the same things, and Phoenix ended up taking over everything. Now, Kaiden could play with his little brother Kaleb, and Phoenix could play with their sister Kori. Kolby kept an eye on the boys, and Jared kept an ear out for the girls.

Asia didn’t exactly say who all was coming to this little shindig; she just said she invited “some friends.” The meeting place was Discotheque Pan Europa, and they were the first to arrive. They sat at the bar and chatted as they waited for everyone else to arrive.

“Soooooo,” Asia said excitedly. “How was it?! Did you knock ’em dead?”

Mary forced a smile. “It went well. I…Things didn’t always turn out the way I thought they should, but in the end, I believe I made a positive influence.”


Asia felt it sounded a bit vague, but it was neither the time nor place to dig deeper. They were there to drink and be merry.

“Hello,” Mila said from behind.

“Hey! Do you know Mary?”

“I remember seeing you at Kolby’s birthday. I’m Mila Choate.” She extended her hand to Mary.

Mary’s eyes widened. “Choate? Are you–

“Yes, I’m married to your new boss,” Mila said facetiously.

Mary felt a bit intimidated.

“It’s really great to meet you,” Mila said. “I hope you’re able to make sense of whatever Ernesto’s doing. He’s an ideas guy. Totally clueless about details… And a little bit lazy,” she whispered.

Mary giggled and felt more at ease. Typically drinking with the boss’s wife wasn’t an enjoyable occasion.

Eliza seemed to appear out of nowhere like she usually did and sat next to Mary. “Sorry I’m late. Breanne wouldn’t cooperate.”

Funny how that works, Mary thought as she remembered how she practically tore Asia to threads for exact same reason at the first HOA meeting she attended.


“So,” Eliza began, “did you have a productive first day?”

“I made the best of it.”

Eliza nodded. “Can I get you a drink?”

Before Mary could open her mouth, Asia intercepted. “I’m buying a round for everyone as soon as we’re all here.”

“Of course you are,” Eliza said flatly.


Luckily, they were interrupted by India who was full of juicy gossip. “Good evening ladies!”

They all greeted her. Asia ordered a round of Von Haunt Estate Meloire.

“I’m so sorry to be late and begin the evening like this, but… I’m just so confused.”

“What’s wrong?” Asia asked.

“Well… I saw Moira Fyers a little while ago, and she was telling someone that she and Dominick just had a baby! I just thought… I thought they were, you know…having problems,” she said in hushed tones.

Mary was silently embarrassed. She wondered if that was the same sentiment everyone had about her and John…not that they were supposed to know they were having problems.

Mila of course was already aware of the situation. “Clara and Bjorn are expecting too,” she added.

Really? Well… That’s great! I’m glad both of them could work through their issues,” India said.

Asia snorted. “Who said the babies are theirs?”

Mary gasped. “Asia!” She had never heard her speak negatively of anyone before and thought it was a little bit funny.


Eliza was bored of the conversation and brought it back to the center. “Ok, are we going to drink to Mary or gossip all night?”

Asia, Mila, and India rolled their eyes and reluctantly raised their glasses. “To Mary,” they said.

Mary raised her glass and said, “To new beginnings!”


Joneses - 8.12 Mary's First Day
Joneses - 8.14 For Nostalgia Sake