Wonder Kingdom · March 1, 2016 4

What’s in a Name?

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“…but why do we have to go with your mother’s name,” Devan argued. “What about my mother’s name? And what if it’s a boy?”

“My parents are dead! Yours may still be living! I just want to honor them!”

“Ok. How about this? We don’t use any of our parents’ names and come up with something creative…like Aria.”

“Fine,” Leliana conceded.

They ate in silence. Aria finished her dinner first and made an announcement. “I’m going to play the violin!”

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Her parents were very proud of her—especially her mother. Aria was so anxious to get started, she promptly washed the dishes and dragged her mother upstairs to her room for a lesson. Leliana looked forward to it, but the baby wasn’t having it.

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Aria wasn’t a natural like Leliana was, but she knew in time—and with lots of practice—she would be quite good. If only she weren’t so sick.

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