
November 7, 2011

It’s More Interesting Now

Traditional college students go straight from high school to college. Before high school there was junior high school. Before junior high school there was elementary school. Before elementary school there may have been preschool. Before preschool there may been “Your Baby Can Read,” Leapfrog, or whatever. That’s a lot of school!! By the time a child gets to college, the poor kid is close to mental burnout! She can’t take anymore school and all she wants to do is be done with it. I can definitely identify with that!

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August 23, 2010

Observations of An Older Student

You know how we always say, “if I only knew then what I know now?” Well, I’m not gonna say that because that phrase gets played out sometimes. However, with hindsight always being 20/20, it’s soo interesting to look back and reflect on what you could have done differently. I’ve been in school for one week now, and as I’ve touched on before, the contrast between how I think and engage is totally different from my peers. I’m guessing that the majority of them are “sophomore/junioresque,” but their behavior and thought process is nothing less than sophomoric–no pun intended.

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August 18, 2010

Kids & Technology

I was listening to The Fish this morning, and they were having people call in about how technology is ruining their family time and what they do about it. You can imagine some of the comments: kids text the whole ride home and never say a word to parent, kids spend all their time in their rooms gaming, etc. This really got my brain going.

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