3D · September 12, 2019 6

3D: Brother Jonathan

Jonathan seized every opportunity to hang out with his sister. Sometimes, they joked about her living forever just like their grandmother who lived long enough to attend her son’s elder birthday party! The dear, sweet woman was the inspiration for Janessa’s love affair with the gym. Before her illustrious medical career, Viviana was a bodybuilder. Janessa marveled at how a small person handled heavy weights and wanted to be like her.

Janessa’s age and longevity served as a constant reminder of that inevitable appointment with the dark one. Still, Jonathan’s brain could not process burying his only living sibling. Skyla, the children, and all the Pruetts would comfort him, but something about being the last of Julian and Jeannette’s children made him feel alone.

“Hey, sis. How’s it going?”

Despite knowing how much she still worked out, her tight hugs always caught him off guard. And, that smile. It was something he never wanted to forget. It disappeared quickly, however. A darkness shadowed her face, and it wasn’t from the brim of her hat. Fatigue hadn’t caused the bags under her eyes either. Her fingers rubbed her temples, and a groan escaped her mouth. “I can’t take much more of this.”

The sirens on Jonathan’s protective brother radar blared with red flashing lights. Janessa had always been sweet and cheerful. He could count on one hand how many times he ever saw her without that infectious smile. Unless there was a death, or some other upsetting situation, she smiled.

He knew what tormented her but wanted to hear her say it. “What’s wrong?”

“I swear that girl is ruining those kids! I don’t know how long I can hold my peace! Even if I speak up, it’s probably too late.”

He snickered at the circle of life rearing its ugly head. Janessa turned out to be a mama bear despite her free spirited ways. Jonathan always wondered how that happened. She smothered Juliana and kept her close. She was almost a teenager before she could go to their house by herself. Juliana didn’t want her children to have the same experience and sadly let them do whatever they wanted.

“I mean, how do you do it? You’re an expert at holding your tongue.”

Jonathan sighed and sat at the bar. A deep conversation ensued, and he needed the stability. “Janessa … I don’t hold my tongue. There isn’t anything to say.”

Janessa rolled her eyes and shook her head. She still struggled with it.

“Aubrey can’t help who she fell for. It’s not like she’s doing this to spite us. All we can do is accept it. Heck, it affected me the most. If I’m able to move past it, surely you all can.”

Janessa turned away and stared at the countertop.

Jonathan was not one to stir up drama and kept the upsetting things to himself. But, while they were on the subject, a window of opportunity opened. He hoped she took it well. “She’s very upset that none of you are coming to the wedding, you know.”

She closed her eyes and exhaled deeply. “You know I love my niece to pieces. I want to see her in that beautiful dress …” Her eyes became glossy with tears. “I just can’t bring myself to watch us get permanently connected to that family!”

The situation conflicted Jonathan as he floundered in the middle. He understood their pain, truly. At odd times, he still struggled with it. “Maybe if you all just got to know him. I mean, you guys treat him like a leper or something.”

She sighed. “I know. I know, Jonathan. I’ll try harder. And, I’ll think about the wedding, but I won’t make any promises.”

At least her answer was no longer a hard no though he doubted he’d changed her mind. This was new territory. The Pruetts always stuck together and had each other’s back, but they reached an impasse. The rest of the family were not willing to step across the aisle, and Jonathan would not alienate his daughter to keep the peace. Moments like that were painful reminders of his shortcomings, and it was so easy to slip back into self-destructive thoughts and behaviors. He couldn’t do it, though. Families often disagreed and survived. The Pruetts would too. Until then, a nice drink would help.

3D: The Storm
3D: Pillow Talk