3D · January 9, 2020 10

3D: Rags

Warm arms around her shoulders felt like a heavy, wool blanket. At first, Aubrey thought she dreamed about waking up in Julio’s arms, but as the dim light hit her eyes, she smiled and turned over to face him, delighting in the moment while it lasted. The dark room and gray sky confused her body as she wondered about the time. It was presumably late seeing as how their flight arrived around 11:00 last night. The seven-hour time difference caused all kinds of chaos in her dazed mind.

Julio stirred, eyes fluttering as he roused. He chuckled when he discovered her staring at him. “Were you watching me?”


“Everything ok?” he asked through a loud yawn.

“Of course! I was just … I’m glad you’re still here.”

He frowned. “It bothers you when I get up early?”

Aubrey’s cheeks burned. It felt weird to admit something he did distressed her. “Yeah. A little. But, I’m getting used to it now.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I thought it was just one of those things. You know…like, you workout, you like black coffee, and you wake up early. It’s you.”

“But, I don’t want you to be unhappy with me,” he said, caressing her cheek. “If there’s something about me that bothers you, tell me.”

“Ok, but don’t change who you are because of my selfishness.”

“Don’t say that. You’re not selfish.”

“Oh, but I am. I want to wake up to you squeezing me every day.”

He laughed. “I thought I was falling and held on for dear life. You always end up on my side, you know.”

“Guess I still haven’t gotten the hang of sharing a bed and all this other marriage stuff.”

He kissed her forehead. “It’s ok. We’re both learning.”

Aubrey’s heart broke a little when he sat up. She just told him she enjoyed it when he lingered in bed with her. Couldn’t he stay a little longer? “Where are you going?”

“I need a shower. You want me to stay?”

She sighed. “No, it’s fine. I’m starving anyway. Thanks for asking though.”

He disappeared into the bathroom, and she slid into her slippers and sauntered downstairs.

Salma met her in the kitchen. “There you are. I was just about to run up there and make sure you two were still breathing.”

She placed a plate of eggs and toast in front of her. Did she ever make anything else? “I trust you guys had a good time?”

“Oh, thank you, Salma. I appreciate you cooking for us.”

“Hmph. Well, it is what you pay me to do … But, thanks for letting me do my job.”

Her previous admittance to Julio came to mind, and Aubrey realized she was more selfish than she knew. The drama between her and Salma stemmed from that selfishness. Instead of adapting to her new life, she attempted to make Salma change her life all because she had always dreamed of caring for her family. Dreams could change. Her entire career existed because of a changed dream. Why didn’t she remember that? Keeping her last name was selfish; Windenburg was too. That ugliness lurked inside, and it hurt. At least now she could work toward making amends.

Salma cleared her throat. “We need to discuss something, and you’re not gonna like it. But, I’m gonna give it to you straight.”

Aubrey’s stomach rolled. Why did this have to happen now? Just when they had a minor breakthrough.

“It isn’t appropriate for you to gallivant around the house so casually. If you insist on being undressed, I suggest you wear a robe.”

“But…why? There’s only you, me and Julio here.”

Salma’s face lit up like she was about to let Aubrey have it but quickly changed her mind. “Mrs. Pruett … Women of your status do not lie about in their pajamas. They are always well-dressed, and those cheap rags you like to wear have no place in this house. You are not a child anymore. Dress like it!”

In any other situation, Aubrey would not stand for such a brazen, insubordinate conversation with an employee. But, Salma was right in so many ways. This was a new life. It didn’t occur to her that certain behaviors wouldn’t be acceptable. But, if Julio had a problem with it, wouldn’t he say something? He didn’t seem to mind. Then again, he never lounged in his PJs. He got up, showered and dressed at the crack of dawn. The only time she ever saw him casual was in their bedroom and in his workout clothes.

“And, Julio doesn’t need to know about this conversation. Just let him appreciate the changes.”

As if on cue, Julio joined them. “Good morning, Salma.”

He startled her, but she recovered quickly. “Good morning, Sir. I have your breakfast covered over there.”

“Thank you.”

Aubrey wasn’t a bad child and didn’t recall her parents scolding her. Even without the experience, she knew it felt like this. She was embarrassed, disappointed, and angry. Where could she hide?

Julio eyed her suspiciously. “You ok, Sweetie?”

Salma glared at her.

“Y-yeah. I, uhhh … I was just thinking…about…Aunt Janessa! I haven’t seen her in a while.”

“Oh. You should spend some time with her. The restaurants will be fine. What’s one more day?”

“Mmm hmm.”

“Let me take your plate, Mrs. Pruett. You probably want to run upstairs and get dressed.”

3D: Ambushed
3D: Hey Baby