News · October 18, 2018 20


Good day!

I hope this post finds you all in good health. I wanted to take a few minutes and share a few things with you so you know what’s happening over the next month or so.

First of all, I am SO happy you all loved Bob and Eliza’s story! I have been dying to tell it to you all for a very long time, and I think they are my new favorite chapters! If you’re wondering how I came up with their backgrounds, you’d be interested to know they are based on real Sim lore! The Sims 4 takes place in an alternate timeline from the other games which is why Bella exists in this game. There’s a guy you should check out on YouTube who makes awesome videos about this stuff. The name of his show is Sim Facts, and his name is ChrillSims3. Anyway, Bob and Eliza are loosely based on Bob and Betty Newbie, so I looked up information about their parents to get a sense for how they were to begin crafting my version of their parents. Cool, huh?

The second and last piece of business is I am taking a break! I have decided to participate in National Novel Writing Month next month and will be writing like mad. Many of you have done it, but this is my first time so I don’t know what to expect entirely. I probably won’t have time to write anything else. But even if I do, I don’t want to get your hopes up or pressure myself to get stuff out to you. So, yes, for the month of November, there will be no chapters. In December, I’m not sure if I’ll feel like writing my name let alone chapters, but we’ll see. 😀 Those of you who know where to find me, I will reply to you as and when I can. Everyone else, wish me luck! The highest amount of words I’ve ever written in a month was 36,000. Writing 50,000 in 30 days has me a bit freaked out, but I’m excited too.

Be well and take care!

