News · May 17, 2016 1

Please Hold…

Hello lovely people!

I hope this post finds you well. I just wanted to let you know about a few things quickly.

  1. As of tomorrow, I’ll be on vacation for a bit! I also plan to take a brief writing back after I get back—at least I hope I will lol. I’m not gonna want to, but I need to.
  2. There are only 3 chapters left in F.I.S.H.! After the last chapter, you won’t see anything from me for a short while. Well, except maybe a Balderdash story or two on Short Story Saturday. 🙂
  3. Discovering Juliana is coming back!!!!! Rejoice! I have 26 new chapters planned and plotted, and I have already written 6. As much as I would like to get them to you sooner rather than later, I’m not going to attempt to rush the creative process. So, just know that I haven’t forgotten about that story, and she has been running around in my brain for the past 8 or 9 months.
  4. Although I’m supposed to be taking a break, I have a few chapters of a new story ready! So, I won’t hold on to them. You’re welcome! Check out the story page for the new hotness: (Been here before? Go back! I updated the page with more information about how I’m going to do the rotation.)
  5. Speaking of having a few chapters, I have a new mantra: It’ll get done when it gets done! lol, adding two more new stories to the menu kind of broke my scheduling system (and my brain). So, apart from Discovering Juliana and F.I.S.H., I’m going to stop attempting to write chapters ahead of time in attempts to give you guys awesomey goodness every day. Hope that’s ok with you! I’ll post chapters when they’re done and when I am in the spirit to do them. To make it even more clear, no more daily chapters from me unless I’ve been on a writing spree. Hey! That rhymed lol. The exception will be the new story. It’s a neighborhood rotation, so I’ll post one household’s week all together so there’s no break in their story.

I think that’s all! If not, I’ll let you know. Take care, and feel free to email me if you have any questions or anything. Love you guys!

Fun, New Short Stories Coming Your Way!
You Guys Rock!