Pruett Legacy · September 29, 2015 0



The Pruetts and I thank you for your kind words and support yesterday.

Before we dive into generation 9–the last generation–let’s take a moment and pause before the race to the end begins. On the EA forums, I’m providing space for a discussion today! However, I’m aware not everyone is a member. So, we’ll discuss here too! I’ll copy and paste comments that I love in both places so we can have the same level of excitement here and there!

First of all, let’s talk about Brady in light of his death. What is your favorite moment with him? Were you always a fan? What do you think he contributed to the legacy? (I may take some of these and add to his accomplishments on the hall of fame page…which needs to be updated!)

We can’t talk about Brady without talking about Viv! How have you seen her character grow? What are your favorite moments?

Other points of discussion, but not limited to these:

Julian and Jeannette

Who is your favorite heir?

Who is your favorite spare?

What is your favorite and least favorite moment so far?

Do you think Xavier would be proud of how the family turned out so far?

Pruett Anniversary Week: Generation 7
The Old Pruett Estate