Pruett Legacy · January 11, 2016 2

The Old Pruett Estate

Hi folks! Happy new year! 🙂

One of my most favorite readers requested that I create this video, so how could I not? Her question was about the size of the rooms in the estate. She said that in the screenshots, the rooms looked quite spacious and wanted to see how big they were. I originally recorded this back in December, but I forgot to post it. He he, sorry! But when I finally looked at it, I saw that the recording was crap and threw it away. However, I had to go back to an old save from July to get the old estate back. So, pardon the old decor and what not. It’s the best I could do. Without further ado, I give you the old Pruett Estate!  I’ll do a tour of the new one when the story officially ends.

Pruett Family Legacy After Party!